Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
I'm an amateur cook who likes to experiment. I made this rainbow trout recipe up along with my 12-year-old son who is finding his own love for cooking....
A wonderful red snapper dish that is fun to prepare and full of flavor. A classic! A real favorite of my mothers! This recipe looks like a big fuss but...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
A tangy, easy recipe for almost any firm-fleshed fish fillets: red snapper, sea bass, grouper. Adaptable for sole, flounder, tilapia, and other thin fillets...
This is something a friend of mine showed me. It's super easy, not to mention delicious. I try to eat according to the paleolithic diet and this fits wonderfully....
This dish has always been my favorite, easy to make and easy to get the ingredients. It can be served with pita bread, salad, or steamed rice, but I prefer...
This dish has always been my favorite, easy to make and easy to get the ingredients. It can be served with pita bread, salad, or steamed rice, but I prefer...
Almost any whole fish can be cooked with this method, but snapper or sea bass are particularly good with the Thai flavors. If you can find it, try fresh...
Virtually every beer-battered fish recipe looks crispy coming out of the fryer, and some even stay crispy for a few minutes, but then the inevitable sogginess...
My mom gave me this recipe and it is very easy to prepare. The citrus sauce makes it a refreshing and flavorful dish. Buy 1/2 inch thick orange roughy...
Did you know that Basa can be as little as $3.99 a pound at most grocery stores? Yup and this hidden treasure is the most delicious, tender, fish I have...
Simple, easy fish recipe. Any white fish will do! And even the kids will eat up the spinach! (My four year old loves this dish!) This recipe was passed...
Scallops are one of the most delicious foods if seared properly, and the addition of peppers and onions complements them quite well. Serve with couscous...
Crispy fried fish topped with honeyed apples. This unique dish always get loads of compliments. Plus everyone is always surprised of the pairing of fish...
This quick fish 'piccata' boasts a powerful punch of flavor with minimal mess from prep! Quick, easy, and certain to satisfy! Serve with brown/wild rice...
Have a ton of bluefish and don't know what to do with it? Give this a try! Bluefish has a reputation for being a very strong fish. This super citrus marinade...
This Buffalo-chicken style fish is gluten-free and delicious. It is also good with shrimp. It is great served with the quinoa and black beans recipe by...
Chilean sea bass, also known as Patagonian toothfish, has landed on lots of 'do not eat this' lists due to overfishing, but the fish can be found through...
Did you know that Basa can be as little as $3.99 a pound at most grocery stores? Yup and this hidden treasure is the most delicious, tender, fish I have...
This summer in Fort Bragg, my husband went on a fishing charter and came back to the campground with a lot of fresh caught Cod. We came up with this recipe,...
This year I learned to not only catch my own fish, but to clean, cook and eat them as well. Thrilling. This recipe is my recreation of a dish that was...
An Italian classic. Sweet, salty, and spicy flavors combine in this unique and tasty pasta and broccoli dish. This dish benefits from being richly coated...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
Crispy breaded fish without frying! My husband only likes deep-fried fish, and he loves this. Feel free to use your favorite seasonings. You can also use...
An exceptional dill flavored, beer batter for deep frying. Fish options include cod, haddock, sea bass, and orange roughy. Suggestions for side dishes...